Veterans Will Soon Move In to Tiny Homes in Savannah

The tiny houses in Savannah for homeless veterans will soon be occupied. For 12 veterans, move-in day is next week.

Community partners have come together over the years to raise thousands of dollars for the project.

The Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless says there are about 233 veterans who are homeless living in Chatham County, so tiny homes will decrease that number in just a couple of days. We spoke with one of the architects who donated time and his talents to help make a difference.

“This is a community effort. I drive by here every day going to and from work, so I’ll see it, and it reminds me that I made an impact along with my friends who helped out," said Gene Maria, Hansen Architects.

Gene Maria and Hansen Architects are some of the masterminds behind the Tiny House Project that has been a long time coming.

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